Done by AI for smart Web Agencies

Win more business with
perfect project briefs in 5 minutes

A suite of tools designed to effortlessly pitch new leads and retain important clients

Startup Grants from

Hey Web Agency Folkshand

Automate professional project specifications, impress client with fast turnarounds and unparalleled professionalism, monetize your expertise.


Benefit 1

Streamline Document Creation Effortlessly

SparkPlan automates the creation of professional project specifications.
Spend less time drafting documents and more time managing projects effectively.
Simply answer a few questions and customize the suggested table of contents.


Benefit 1

Streamline Document Creation Effortlessly

SparkPlan automates the creation of professional project specifications.
Spend less time drafting documents and more time managing projects effectively.
Simply answer a few questions and customize the suggested table of contents.


Benefit 2

Impress Clients with Lightning-Fast Turnarounds

Deliver top-notch project specifications in record time with SparkPlan.
Wow your clients with swift responses and efficient document delivery.
Enhance your agency's reputation for prompt and professional service.


Benefit 3

Achieve Unparalleled Professionalism

SparkPlan ensures your documents have a polished and coherent structure.
Enjoy professionally styled and structured project specifications without the hassle.
Focus on refining and editing the final document, saving valuable time.


Benefit 4

Monetize Your Expertise

Capitalize on billable hours for document creation and refinement.
Transform project specifications into a revenue stream with SparkPlan.
Boost your agency's profitability without additional effort.


Benefit 5

Time For Action

Take control of your document creation process with SparkPlan.
Experience the speed, professionalism, and profitability it brings to your projects.


Knowledge Base

Give Your Project the Breadth It Needs

AI with Memory

Give you AI more contextand let it automatically learn from your existing project. Simply upload your related documents and data sheets. Then chat with your transcripts, documents, data, project specifications and more.

Project Copilot

Chat About Your Project with Your AI Copilot

Your Project Copilot

Your AI Copilotis here to support you on your project. It has real-time full knowledge of all documents in your project’s Knowledge Base as well as related AI outputs and scrapped URLs. You can ask your AI Copilot any question about the project and get ahead.

AI Tools

40+ AI Tools to Save You Time

Market Research
User Research
PRDs (Product Requirements Document)
User Stories
Summarize feedback
Strategy, OKRs & KPIs
Roadmaps and Prioritization
Product Research
Bonus: Product Marketing

Competition Overview

Researches a list of competitors and analyses their positioning.


Estimate TAM, SAM and SOM

Helps estimate TAM (Total Addressable Market), SAM (Serviceable Available Market) and SOM (Serviceable Obtainable Market).


Market Segmentation

Identifies the total addressable market and segments the market into sub-categories including go-to-market pointers.


Competitors’ Pros and Cons

Pros and cons analysis of competitor’s product.


Competitor Analysis

Analysis of selected competitor (SWOT, PESTLE and Porter’s 5 forces)



Formulates a survey to capture user feedback based on a product sector and product use case.


Prospective User Q&A

SparkPlan acts like a prospective user of your product and answers your questions just like a real prospective user would do.


User interview

Top 5 questions to ask your users.

AI Agents

5 AI Agents to Automate Your Workflows

Automated Agents

Automated Agentsare AI Agents taught to work through tools in a specified sequence. They use one AI’s output to feed into the next and leave you room to adjust in between so you can get exactly what you need fast. Check out the demo video.
Ready to elevate your project
management game to the next level
SparkPlan AI ?